Happy End of September Blog Fellows,
I have returned to Shelburne Falls from my quick road trip to Maine. It was fun taking in all the changing foliage, quaint little towns, pristine lakes and a few fiber shops.
Iron art on the Bridge of Flowers |
Not to mention time spent getting reacquainted with an old friend. Sue and I spent our day going to an Organic Farm and Garden Fair in Maine. We left her lake house and drove about two hours where we parked in Unity, Maine and bicycled four miles to the fair grounds. The Maine bike coalition was having a promotion to encourage biking. So, we took advantage of an excuse to get some exercise and save a couple of dollars.

It was a gorgeous day for a ride and then a couple of hours spent walking the fair grounds which had everything from vegetables and animals, to hemp products and build-your-own composting toilets. We only made it to about 2/3 of the fair before heading back to pick up dinner - a real Maine treat! Fresh lobster, corn on the cob and salad.
After leaving Sebago Lake on Monday morning I took all small roads to return to Shelburne Falls. It took about nine hours to get home, twice the time of using the Interstate. But, it was so much more pleasant.
Harrisville Designs Mill |

I drove to Harrisville, NH where there is a mill and loom manufacturer. Sadly, the place is closed on Mondays. But, I did get to see a lovely town full of old brick buildings. As I traveled down the road in New Hampshire I passed a little highway sign pointing out that The Fiber Studio was just ahead, so I detoured up the road to visit the place. Nestled back among a half dozen houses is a totally restored old barn with two inspiring floors of yarns, looms, wheels, buttons and beads. Here is a link to their website
http://www.fiberstudio.com/ . Funny how it was hidden off the highway, no town or commercial center in the area at all. It has to be return business and word of mouth that keeps this place going. I bought a couple of pewter buttons for Nordic mitten making and went on my way.

About an hour later I was passing through the small town of Antrim, NH thinking the name sounded familiar. Just as I was about to exit the town I saw a sign on the side of the road that read "Wool Room" and I remembered a conversation with a Vavstuga student about a little shop with a charming older woman who taught spinning and knitting. So, I turned down the single lane country road and drove a couple of miles to the shop of Anne Hennessy. It turns out Anne is one of the knitters featured in a new book,
10 Secrets of the Laidback Knitters. She is "the wise woman" in the "Find Yourself a Wise Woman" chapter. She said wise meant she's old and has been around a long time. After my encounter with her, I think a wise woman is like fine wine! Needless to say, I had to buy the book.

So eventually, after a warm fresh-made calzone in Keene, I headed for my little bedroom in Shelburne Falls. Where I unpacked, read my new book, and fondled my latest off-the-loom blanket while wondering what the next week would bring.
Enjoy your fall weekend. Too soon snow will be flying.
So enjoy reading about your adventures. Your road trip sounded amazing. I love that you discovered hidden treasures like you did! Wondering if you are planning to spend all of your December holidays in SD? All my best, Teri